Monday, August 8, 2011

O My Gosh Only 12 More Days!

     Offense:  If someone offends you intentionally then feel sorry for them and their rudeness.  If some offends you unintentionally then why should you even be offended. 
     Obedience:  The way to obtain blessings, the only way.
     One and Only:  Your spouse!
     Occupation:  There is no greater occupation than that of parenthood.  
     Opinion:  Everyone is entitled to their own.  Respect that in others.  Agree to disagree.
     Old Age:  At this point it beats the alternative, but I suppose there comes a time when it does not.
     Optimism:  Definitely takes more mental exertion than pessimism, which seems to come so natural to man.  President Gordon B. Hinckley.  Wonderful example of optimism!  Love the man.
     Offspring:  Your offspring means children for you and GRAND children for me!!!

1 comment:

  1. The art of disagreeing is to not be disagreeable!

    I love your take on offense. So true so true. I've always tried to live by the motto "you choose to be offended" but I never really thought about people who intentionally offend (I don't think that has ever happened to me) but you are right, when that does happen I should just feel bad for them for being so ill-mannered.
