Monday, September 5, 2011

Rekindling an old flame

Many years ago I fell in love.  It was an autumn relationship.  A relationship that took my time and money. There were times when it was a sticky situation, very sticky.  Other times it was  hot, sweaty-boiling over you could say.  Then they were the times I got myself in to a pickle or jam with this relationship.  One fall it abruptly came to an end.  I could provide you with many excuses as to why it ended.  Going back to work outside the home.  Depression.  Osteoarthritis. Laziness.  The list could go on and on.  I 'cleaned out' so to speak and moved on, but I never let go of this love.  This fall I became involved once again with the relationship.  And I remembered how much I enjoyed it, loved it, and how fulfilling it was.  Yes siree it can't be 'beet'!  I have scaled it down, but even on a smaller scale it was a most wonderful time.  Below is a photo of the end results of this relationship.  Though it is not over yet.  The fruits are yet to come.

1 comment:

  1. Well me oh my, I'm just all out of date on your blog. Three new posts since I last checked. Loved em all. One fall I'm going to have to come home and can with you. Do you think you can share your kitchen and your love with me, or will it cause another break up of sorts?
