Wednesday, March 18, 2015

'Weather' or not Global Warming Exists

     It is 81 degrees outside.  I have been busy raking, mowing and watering  the lawn and loving every minute of it.   I have to remind myself:  "Yes, Claudia you are still in school.  No, Claudia it is not summertime yet."  No the air conditioner has not been turned on yet, but I do have the ceiling fan running and the lights off.  I am so grateful to know there is absolutely no such thing as Global Warming (is this word considered foul language?)   To all of my Republican friends I apologize for the use of such a nasty word!  I would hate to see what the weather would be like if there were such a thing as Global Warming.  So would the Polar Bears.

      I am also grateful to know who is really charge of our little universe and oh so many others.

     Doctrine and Covenants 117:6  " For have I not the fowls of heaven, and also the fish of the sea, and the beasts of the mountains? Have I not made the earth? Do I not hold the destinies of all the armies of the nations of the earth?

     He has a plan... for me, for you and for all of His creations.  Now I just need to learn to follow that plan!  Easier for some than others.  I fall into the 'other' category.  But just for today I will try a little harder.


  1. When we had our hot dog dinner outside I kept thinking of the scripture "all things denote there is a God." Something about nature sure does rejuvenate the soul!

  2. Honey, if you are in the "other" camp, where the hell am I? Perhaps outer darkness...
