Today as I sat down in church I noticed that Bonnie Shamos husband was sitting right next to her! It was a rather odd sight. Why so? I have been attending Delta Fifth Ward for 16 months now and the entire time I have attended Steve Shamo has been our Bishop! He has always been sitting behind the pulpit! Last Sunday President Chappell (who is also Mr. Chappell and my boss at D.E.C.C.) came to our ward and by sustaining vote re-organized our Bishopric. I have attended services from numerous denominations and they all have a pastor, minister, priest, etc. who has been to some type of schooling and earns an income while officiating over the congregation. Not so in the LDS church. Bishop Shamo has been the Bishop for a little over 5 years. He is also one of our local Doctors. He has received no financial pay for his service, just lots of blessings. He attended no religious school, was just a worthy priesthood holder who willingly donated lots of his personal time to the members of our Ward. A very good man. Today my next door neighbor, Noreen, was sitting alone with her children. And, where was Laren? He was sitting behind the pulpit! Bishop LeFevre is now our new Bishop. He is our next door neighbor, a seminary teacher, and a very fine man. He and Noreen are also the ones who lost a son a few months ago in a car accident. It has been a rather amazing experience watching them handle this difficult trial. He wrote his first , of many, Bishopric monthly messages. I loved it and want to share it with you (I did get his permission first!) It is somewhat long, but oh so beautiful. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
"A few summers ago I stood on the crest of the hill known as the "Eminence'. This hill is located on the Pioneer trail in Wyoming. It looks down on the Sweetwater River where the Willie Company was stranded, cold, and starving. I read from their journals of the joy of their rescue. 'Just as the sun was sinking beautifully behind the distant hills several covered wagons were see coming towards us. The news ran through the camp like wildfire, shouts of joy rent the air, strong men men wept till tears ran freely down their furrowed and sun-burnt cheeks..with hearts filled with gratitude to God and our good brethren, we all united in prayer, and then retired to rest.' (John Chislett) At that moment, standing on the same hill from which the Willie Company first saw their rescuers, I had a great spiritual experience. I saw myself in a situation similar the the handcart pioneers. Not that I was freezing or hungry. But that I was mortal and as such I face sin and death. Because of these two things I am in desperate need of being rescued. We all are. We need someone who is willing and able to save us and help us make it home. We need our Savior Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can help. I love the words of Alma: '...he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people. And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowel may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.' The word succor means to run to, to help. During our most difficult times, Christ will help us, He will run to us, and rescue us. I know this from personal experience. As difficult as these past few months have been for me and my family, we have felt, on a daily basis, the lifting, strengthening power of the Atonement succor us. We have felt the love of Christ more deeply than ever before. I testify that Christ died for us. I also testify that Christ lives for us. As we turn to Him , He will wrap His arms around us and help us experience true joy. I love you and I am grateful for this opportunity to serve you."
Yes, I think Laren LeFevre will make a mighty fine Bishop!
Yes indeed! We are most fortunate to have the LeFevres as our neighbors. Couldn't ask for anyone better.