Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Goings and Comings

Finally, a beautiful spring day. No wind. No rain. "Hail no". Warm temperatures. A perfect day to walk to work. Our humble abode is located on the north side of town. My place of employment is located on the south side. I must cross Delta's main street. Located on the corner of 7-11 (north side) and Zions Bank (south side) is the cross walk. In the morning it is always relatively quiet. No fear of oncoming traffic. In the afternoon it is a different story. But traffic always seems to come to a stop for me. Is that because: A. I am a Jennifer Lopez look alike. Beautiful hair, gorgeous body, stilettos, tight get my drift. B. My Maxine attitude. I am 59 I have the right of way. Hello it is a cross walk and pedestrians do have the right of way. Plus, if you hit me I might do some serious damage to your vehicle. Go ahead you decide, is the answer A, is it B, is it both? Just a hint. The Principal of Delta Middle School did phone me last October and told me she saw me working the corners and knew what my Halloween costume should be!! We both got a HUGE chuckle out of that. She is one totally delightful lady!


  1. The answer is A! You are a bombshell!
    Your booty shakes more than Lopez's . . . your booty is so big that instead of bouncing quarters off it, the quarters get lost in it.
