Monday, December 20, 2010

Ornaments from Christmas Past

As one ages Christmas becomes a rather nostalgic time.
A time when one reflects on childhood Christmases from years gone by.
Whether they be from your own childhood
the childhood of your grown children who are now hosting
Christmases of their own.
This final showing of ornaments definitely evokes a stronger feeling of
melancholy than the first posting.
Obviously, because these ornaments take me farther
back in time!
This adorable little boy is my Philliup when he
was probably in Kindergarten! It is not dated, but
it is obviously the work of a teacher, but it is his cute little face.
He is now 24 and 1/2 years old and he is still and forever my baby!
My little frosty snowgirl is Alizabeth Annie back when she was 7 years of age!
She is now 28 and a first time new mom! She will always be our little girl.
Next to her on the tree is my 'beary' special little Jonathan.
Once again it is not dated, but I am thinking he was probably 7 or 8.
He is now 30! Father of 3! He was my busiest baby
and also lays claim to fame as my Hardy child.
He will always be my Hardy child.
Wish I had an ornament of my Matthew Bud, but obviously his teachers
did not make ornaments with photos for I have none.
Perhaps I should make one this yearwhen he is 31! He will always be my firstborn.
The one who introduced me to motherhood.

These last 3 ornaments are the oldest surviving ornaments
that adorn my tree. They were on my big, fat bushy
childhood pine tree. Hanging right next to those silver icicles.
Merry Christmas mom and dad!


  1. Now we need a picture of the whole tree! I knew you'd do a day of our school ones. I remember spelling my name wrong on the first try. Ms Schena was a bit mad at me for that one, so I swore I'd never spell my name wrong again! I have about three memories of 1st grade, and that is one of them.

  2. Love your posts Hun! You'll need to keep thinking up some more as they are the highlight of my evening! Thanks for the birthday fun.
    I love you.
