Thursday, July 28, 2011

"D" Day

     Debt:  Incur it sparingly. Pay it off.
     Decisions, Decisions, Decisions:  Pray concerning the important ones.  Coin toss for the unimportant.
     Dates:  Continue to  have them.  With your spouse and children.
     Dreams:  Do come true if you make them  happen!
     Differences:  Accept them.  It will make your life and theirs easier.
     Devil:  No, he did NOT make you do it.  Your choice, be accountable!
     Devote:  Your time, talents, and income to building up your family and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
     Dividends:  Grandchildren, the pay off for having children.
     Daddy:  A name my grandchildren will call you!


  1. Do I get to be your date? Say August 14thish?

  2. Sorry, but I am booked. Already have a date with a handsome young man named Reid. Perhaps you can tag along?
