Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bunny 'Tails'

It was 11:00 a.m. -time once more for Kindergarten Centers. The little guy sitting next to me yesterday was writing "This is my dad." Then he began to do his illustrations of dad and what dad likes to do. All the while telling me the story. "Mrs. Bassett this is my dad and this is my big brother. This is a golf club and these are two rabbits." No, his dad does not like to use the golf club to golf, but rather to go bunny bashing! This is quite a favorite Delta pastime. One my brain can not wrap itself around. But I gotta love the innocence and honesty of children! Watch out folks all of your secrets will be revealed by these little ones! Wonder what tales I shall hear of today!


  1. For some reason it never bothered me when the boys would take me to shoot rabbits.....but bunny bashing really disturbed me. Gross!!!

  2. How'd I miss this post? Bunny Bashing did just seem a normal Delta pastime growing up. But when you leave the area and try to describe it to other people . . . it truly does become horrific. Eyes bulge out in disgust.
