Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Trials Plus Tribulations Equal Gratitude

I learned many years ago that blessings always accompany trials and tribulations.  Too name a few:

1.  Humility.  A feeling and emotion I wish I had on a daily basis.  Unfortunately the natural woman is  alive and well in me.  I need to shoo her out and let the other one in.  I enjoy her presence so much more.

2.  A softening of the heart and an enlightenment of the mind.  A closeness to the spirit.

3.  Growth.  Roots have to go deeper in times of drought.

4.  A strengthening of my testimony.

Yes, I am grateful for  the difficult times in my life.  I am grateful for all that they teach me.  There are things I would not have learned in any other way.  As difficult as it may be while living it I always know in the long run it will be well worth it.  There is always a silver lining in that dark cloud!

1 comment:

  1. Why do I get this eerie sense that you are talking about me?
    Love, Me
